Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Playing Catch-up

So, I know this is coming a bit late, but I've been having some Mommy difficulties. Layla went through a week-long growth spurt in which she consumed 4oz of breastmilk every 2 hours and screamed in between, but she graciously slept for 9 hours a night. Now, we're back to 3 ounces of breastmilk and waking up every three hours, but the screaming hasn't really stopped. At her check-up last week she weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces, so I know my little not-so-chunky is getting enough food. Her pediatrician mentioned that almost every preemie goes through a bout of colic, so I can't help but wonder if that's what's going on.

A week of this face. She's lucky it's so cute!

Anyways, I'm going to start trying to get into more of a routine with blogging, and I might start making a few haul/favorites videos for YouTube, depending on the time!

This past month hasn't been very eventful, but we did manage to get some Cinco de Mayo celebrating in! Andrew's sister Amanda had a little get together at her house and we had a few close friends and family stop by. I didn't get to take any pictures of the food, but it was more of a buffet style and everything was deliciously covered in melted cheese anyways, so there wouldn't have been much to see! We had tamales, fish tacos, enchiladas, chicken taco salad, and all the margaritas and Coronas you could drink! It was heaven.

Of COURSE Layla was festively dressed, and so was her cousin Isabelle! Can you believe these two are only a month and a half apart?

Here's a better look at her dress:

Layla's Dress | Isabelle's Dress

So, all in all, the last month has been spent working on our bedroom/nursery (tour soon!), doctor's appointments, and growth spurts. Now that the weather is more consistent here in Michigan (yeah right), we'll be doing more awesome stuff outside and around the house. I can already hear the fireworks and smell the grills! I'll be posting soon with Memorial Day styles/food/party ideas, and another favorites post, so keep an eye out!

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